high viscosity heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel black oil increase combustion efficiency, reducing specific fuel consumption fuel savings

high viscosity heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel black oil
increase combustion efficiency, reducing specific fuel consumption fuel savings

high viscosity heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel black oil increase combustion efficiency, reducing specific fuel consumption fuel savings

high viscosity heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel black oil increase combustion efficiency, reducing specific fuel consumption fuel savings
2 years ago I had to work with high viscosity heavy fuel oil in Syria. This black oil is distinguished by such specifications - high viscosity, high pour point, a large number of heavy fractions and solids, for this reason, for satisfactory combustion, it is heated to 200 degrees Celsius.

At the request of colleagues from Syria, once again showing the comparative films about burning source black oil, fuel oil after homogenization, and water fuel oil emulsion based on this fuel.

Save heavy fuel on boilers. Improved combustion.

Fuel - Syrian heavy fuel black oil.

Combustion of
standard fuel.

Preheating temperature 200 degrees.

film for smartphone

Save heavy fuel on boilers. Improved combustion.

Fuel - Syrian heavy fuel black oil.

Burning fuel after homogenization with TRGA unit. No additives.

Maximum high temperature of burning, able to reduce black oil heating temperature up to 100 degrees.

for smartphone

Save heavy fuel on boilers. Improved combustion.

Burning water-oil emulsion - homogenizer TRGA.

Temperature, of burning decreased, able to reduce the black oil heating temperature up to 150 degrees.

for smartphone

Test :

two cotton cloth the same size ... equally imbued with heavy black oil and pressed.

Left - black oil after homogenization.

Right - Standard oil.

film for smartphone

Odessa, Ukraine, a tank farm, burning watered fuel oil (water content 8%) without losing steam capacity. Purpose - recycle accumulated during the winter condensate water and sludge residues. Combustion in the firebox watered fuel black oil and sludge in Holman boiler, (made in USA)

film for smartphone


original black oil
Fuel savings on boiler fuel economy fuel coking coal tar slurry fuel oil complete combustion
HFO best burning HFO economy

All photos and movies are made and owned by Ruban A.V.

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All rights reserved
Andrew Ruban
www.afuelsystems.com - Технологии и оборудование для обработки и экономии топлива (бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут, коксохим ). Кавитация, диспергация, эмульгирование, топливные и другие эмульсии. Экология
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